Tuesday 23 March 2010

Dog Training

These are the Dog "secrets" professional dog trainers don't want you to know!

"Who Else Wants To Quickly And Easily STOP Their Dog From Crapping In The House, Destroying The Carpet, Barking At The Neighbors, Peeing On Everything, And Misbehaving Like A Spoiled Brat?"
If You Answered "Yes" To The Above Question Then Click The "Play" Button Below For A Very Special *Audio* Message...


Some Amazing Facts About Training Dogs ...And why you shouldn't even think about training your Dog until you read every word of this letter!

Scolding and punishing does NOT work for Dogs ...and it can make your dog even harder to train!

Dogs can be easily housebroken ...but popular housetraining methods often backfire with these dogs! (Find out the right way below.)

Dogs have a special mental "trigger" that can be used to make them obey your every command like you had a special "doggie remote control".

From: Dean Rankin Wednesday 2:53 PM
Dear Friend,
If you can spare 1 hour, 44 minutes and 33 seconds of your time, I'll show you how to quickly and easily train your Dog ...even if you've never had good luck training your dog in the past.
Because that's how long my special dog training audio set is. And when you listen to it, you'll be BLOWN AWAY with how easy it is to train your Dog.
Here's just some of what you'll discover...
  • The silly mistake most people make when trying to train their Dogs ...and how it can actually make your dog harder to train.
  • The number one reason Dogs do anything ...and how to tap into this amazing driving force behind Dog behavior.
  • The simple "anchor" method that cuts training time by as much as 71% ...and makes Dogs obey you like they were operated by remote control!
This breakthrough training system is guaranteed to eliminate dog problems forever ...in only 15 minutes a day.
I know that's a bold promise and it might sound a little "over the top" ...but it's true, and I can back up every word.
Here Are Three Good Reasons To Believe Me When I Tell You Your Dog Will Be A Well Behaved Angel
ONE: 543 other dog owners use this very same system you'll be using.
TWO: In the past 8 weeks alone, over 2055 people have signed up to receive my exclusive Dog Training newsletter.
THREE: I'm the only person in the training industry that'll let you keep his entire training system FREE if it doesn't work for your Dog.
(Nobody else in is willing to put their "money where their mouth is" like this...)
The bottom line is this: My system is 100% guaranteed to work for you ...just like it's worked for 543 other dogs before yours.
  • If you've tried to train your Dog in the past and had no luck, this will work for you.
  • If you've paid to send your Dog to obedience school and it still misbehaves, this is for you.
  • If you're thinking about getting a Dog and you want to make sure you start out on the right foot, this is for you.
In my course I will teach you a time-tested and perfected Dog Training Formula. This formula is a simple step-by-step plan you will follow anytime you want to train your Dog to do new tricks, or stop your Dog from doing any annoying behavior.
This formula was tested, tweaked, and used on over 543 dogs. The reason why it's so popular is simple:
It Works Like Gangbusters
There's no "violence." No hitting. No yelling, or anything like that. You won't need it because the system shows you how to make your dog want to obey you!
See, what most people don't realize is that Dogs are actually "hard wired" to do as you say.
And what I mean by that is it's actually an instinct for your Dog to obey you. That's the way Dogs are.
They have a special mental "trigger" that drives almost all of their behavior. And when you tap into this hidden Dog driving force, you can totally shape their behavior.
And this system makes it super-easy to do it.
Here's just a tatse of what's you'll accomplish:
  • How to speed-train your Dog by taking advantage of his natural desire to obey you.
  • An amazingly simple way to get fast results using your Dog's "den instinct".
  • How to use treats the right way (hint: don't use treats as a bribe!)
  • Three quick and easy ways to get your Dog to walk on a leash at your side.
  • The absolute best way for you to communicate with your dog. (Hint: It's closer to "normal conversation" than you might think!)
  • How to quickly housetrain your dog in one easy setting. (This has worked for *hundreds* of dog training clients, and it's guaranteed to work for your Dog.)
  • The fastest and easiest way to keep your dog from barking all night!
  • The guaranteed secret that the pro trainers use to eliminate chewing and digging.
  • The surefire way to correct any of your dog's unwanted behavior, from jumping and nipping to digging in the yard. This method works like magic! (It's actually based on an easy distraction technique used in training Police dogs.)
  • How to keep your dog from crying, howling, and whimpering at night ..guaranteed!
  • An quick-fix solution that'll keep your dog off the furniture forever.
  • The number one secret to making your dog's training "stick". (I have to admit that this one method took me by surprise ...but boy does it work!)
And that's not nearly all.
You'll discover much more in this rare and candid training system.
And what's really great is that
You Can Be Absorbing These Amazing Training Techniques In The Next 30 Seconds!
You can order amazing system right now and actually start discovering these Dog training secrets within 30 seconds... yes, that is right... WITHIN 30 SECONDS you can be mastering the dog training techniques that'll transform your Dog into a dream dog.
That's because I've taken the entire system (13 segments in all) and made them so they'll play right over your computer speakers.
Click The "Play" Button For A Sample!

All you do is click the "play" button you'll see beside each segment and the interview will start playing instantly ...just like the sample above!
What's even better is there's nothing to download or install ...and you don't need any fancy programs to play it.
You can listen even if you're new to computers. It's easy.
And, you can listen as many times as you like ...from any computer in the world!
Plus You'll Get These Two Limited Bonuses FREE When You Order By Midnight, Tuesday, March 23, 2010 !
FREE Bonus #1 ($47 Value): The Insider's Guide To Dogs: How To Have A Happy And Healthy Dog! This 194 page guide was originally published in 1922 ...and has been updated regularly for over 62 years!
Generations of dog owners have consulted this timelss information again and again for answers to puzzling dog questions! This rare book is now out of print ...and can only be found here on this very website. It's impossible to put a price on the information it contains ...but it's yours free when you place your order before midnight, Tuesday, March 23, 2010 !
FREE Bonus #2 ($39 Value): The Dog Health Handbook! This 108 page handbook gives you at-a-glance tips and strategies for keeping your dog healthy ALL the time.
You'll discover easy ways to spot potential health problems ...before they get serious. Plus you'll find quick home remedies for common dog ailments, and you'll uncover simple techniques for improving your dog's diet, eliminating fleas and ticks, and much, much more! I personally wrote this book as a much needed reference guide for any dog owner. You can only find it here, and it's yours FREE if you order before the deadline.
Ordering Is Safe, Easy, And Secure
Like I said earlier, you can place your order right now and be listening to this entire system 30 seconds later.
The way it works is simple and fast.
Just click one of the blue links (like this one: order now) and you'll be taken to my 100% secure order page.
As soon as your order is processed (takes about 45 seconds), you'll be taken to the "Playback Page" where you can instantly listen to any of the 13 amazing training segments.
These special audio segments reveal the same closely guarded secrets that have transformed 543 other dogs ...and continue to be used by an average of 10 new dogs per day.
And you can return to your special web page any time you like to listen again ...as often as you like, and from any computer in the world!
Click here to order right away and start training your Dog today. You'll be thrilled with how fast, fun , and easy it is to train your dog once you learn the right way to do it.
This one hour and 44 minute audio course normally sells for $97.77 in it's offline "physical" format.
But thanks to a special arrangement I've made with the publisher, and thanks to the fact that we've made the entire course so that you can listen to it over your computer, I'm able to offer it to you for only $47.77. That's a savings of $50.00!
The reason I can offer it at this super low price is because the course is delivered to you over your computer and I don't have to fork over any shipping, storage, or manufacturing costs. So I pass the savings on to you.
Also, I'm offering it at this low price because this entire "internet sale" is part of a marketing test I'm trying out. Frankly, I plan to raise the price by an extra $50.00 (at least) in the very near future.
But even at a higher price, it'd be a bargain because this system works like crazy!
I know from first hand, personal experience that it does and I'm so confident you'll love it that I'm offering the following guarantee:
Your Dog Will Be So Well Behaved Your Friends Will Be Jealous Or Else I'll Give You 100% Of Your Money Back And Still Let You Keep This Entire System For FREE!
You heard me correctly. This amazing training program really works. And I stand behind it 100%.
If you aren't absolutely thrilled with it for any reason (or for no reason at all) just let me know and I'll give you a full refund with no questions asked.
But the entire system is still yours to keep free forever.
There are no questions asked, no "wiggle clauses" and no funny business.
Either you love it or you get a refund and keep it free. Wouldn't it be great if everything came with this kind of guarantee?
You'll be thrilled with "How To Make Your Dog Obey Your Every Command In 15 Minutes A Day ...Without Hitting, Yelling, Or Punishing" ...and you'll be overjoyed by how much fun it is to have a happy, healthy, and well behaved Dog as a companion. Click here and get instant access right now.
Wishing you and your Dog years of fun and happiness.
Dean Rankin (Fellow Dog Lover)
P.S. The Internet Introductory low price of only $47.77 is a part of a market test I'm conducting. These audios sell offline for nearly $98. Once I've completed my market test, I know I'll be doubling the price. So if you're at all interested, you should buy right now. Click here to save $50.00 now!
TERMS OF USE PRIVACY POLICY Click here to get the quickest way to train your dog